天匠是一家专注做“高端手工地毯”的品牌商,自1987年进入手工地毯行业以来,在30多年的商业生涯中,市场发生了很多变化:新设计、新时尚、新材料、新理念…… 然而,不变的是:我们坚定地致力于天匠成立的原则。天匠地毯已经成为高端手工地毯的代名词,价格也很高。 我们不断开发新的设计和图案,以预测和响应市场趋势。我们领先的设计师和我们的全球视野,帮助我们在当代品味上领先,世界俨然已成为我们的灵感和调色板。 印度、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、土耳其、埃及、中国、尼泊尔、(波斯)、土库曼斯坦,正是这些词让人想起了充满异国情调的土地,沉浸于东方的色彩中:微妙的橘黄色、生动的绯红色华丽的靛蓝色、闪闪发光的金色和舒缓的土黄色,乃至阳光下的每一种色调。我们的地毯在以上所有这些国家都有生产。 美感,是我们的追求。30多年来,我们为客户提供了丰富多彩的世界文化和各种各样的故事。天匠地毯是让房间焕发异彩的舞台,是地板上的一块画布,它把一个普通的房间变成了一个非凡的房间。 我们对我们所做的事情充满热情,你会发现我们做得比任何人都好。 译文: In over 30 years of business, a lot has changed: new designers, new fashions, new materials, new concessions… However, one thing hasn’t changed: our steadfast commitment to the principles upon which TIANJIANG was founded. The TIANJIANG name has become synonymous with the finest rugs, at great prices. We're constantly evolving new designs and textures, which anticipate and respond to trends in the market. Our leading desigers, and our global perspective, help us to keep two steps ahead of contemporary tastes. The world is our inspiration and our palette. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Egypt, China, Nepal, Iran, Turkmenistan. The very words conjure up lands of the exotic, drenched in the colours of the East: subtle saffrons, vivid scarlets, opulent indigos, shimmering golds and soothing ochres. Every shade and hue under the sun. Our rugs are produced in all of these countries. Beauty. That's what our business is all about. For over 30 years we've made the richness of our world, its cultures and colours, its traditions and tales, available to our customers. A TIANJIANG rug is the stage on which a room is set. It's a canvas on the floor. It transforms an ordinary room into an extraordinary room. We're passionate about what we do and we think you'll find that we do it that bit better than anyone else. Welcome to TIANJIANG.